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Welcome to Ever Fresh Cameron Sdn Bhd

Committed to Excellence

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More About Ever Fresh Cameron Sdn Bhd

Our Story

The rich farmlands in Kampong Raja, Blue Valley, and Kuala Terla are among the most productive areas for vegetable production in Malaysia’s Cameron Highlands.  Taking over stretches of these sprawling gardens where their parents once toiled in the decades before, a new generation of agriculturalists, marketeers and entrepreneurs set up Ever Fresh Cameron to build upon the success of a past era.  In the process, they seek also to serve and help prosper their neighbours through increasing farm productivity and assisting them to reach a wider consumer market.  

Born and bred in the Cameron Highlands, the founding members of Ever Fresh Cameron have an intuitive feel and attachment to the greens that the fertile highland loams nurture.  Making use of their training in Information Technology (IT), they integrate technology with vegetable growing, store management and distribution logistics.  The result of this is an unparalleled consistency in product quality and absolute reliability in delivery achieved through the implementation of technical know-how backed by substantial investments in cold rooms and vehicular transport.  To put these plans into action, the company has assembled a team of experienced and committed operators to ensure smooth running of its services.  

Ever Fresh Cameron keeps track of every step of its integrated supply chain, from the time the order is taken to the time it is handed over at delivery.

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Our Mission

To provide a one-stop solution to supply fresh vegetable and dried foodstuffs to our partners and clients.

Our Vision

To increase productivity of vegetables and plant produce and to facilitate their distribution to existing and new markets, keeping focus on the need to be fast, efficient and accurate.

Our Commitment

To our partners and clients, we take care your of your interests and concerns in vegetable supplies and sales.


To our people, we offer you a safe and comfortable workplace because your well-being is important to our success.

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+603 6279 0899

©2020 by Ever Fresh Cameron Sdn Bhd.

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